“Ultra-fast Spintronic » in reflets de la physique 

Jon Gorchon wrote a review paper on Ultra-fast Spintronic in # 78 of reflets de la physique which you can access online (https://www.refletsdelaphysique.fr/articles/refdp/pdf/2024/02/refdp202478p12.pdf) Abstract: Magnetism is omnipresent in our lives: compasses, electric motors, transformers, magnetic storage for the “cloud”… Understanding how the magnetization of a magnet behaves in the face Read more…

NSF’s IRES Program in action.

 Welcoming Seven Visitors from UCSD and NYU Through the NSF’s IRES Program. Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation’s International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program, we are delighted to welcome Ashley Thorshov, Ashley Corey, Connor Loewy, Preston Le, Nathan Davis, and Professor Eric Fullerton from the University of Read more…