Our mission

Our team’s 4 Professors and Maîtres de Conférences (Associate Professors) teach physics at different levels, from the first year of licence (bachellor’s degree) to the second year of master (master’s degree). They are involved in various pedagogical actions, from the training of future teachers to the development of practicals in laboratory. For the master 1 and 2 (first and second years of the master’s degree) and equivalent programs, a grey room at the IJL, called NanoScience Practice Room, has been especially equipped for teaching about modern technologies via fabrication and characterization of experimental devices used in academic or industrial laboratories. The room is equipped with different types of microscopes (Scanning tunneling effect, Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope), several manufacturing techniques (Nanoparticles dispersion, thin films depositions by Physical Vapor Deposition), and a wide range of techniques for measuring physical properties (High-Frequency characterization bench, electrical characterization under magnetic field, photoluminescence). 

Many team members are strongly involved in the Experimental techniques in nanosciences teaching units which allows Master 2 students to discover experimental research in the laboratory by offering them a week-long internship at the Institut Jean Lamour. During these internships, students fabricate a magnetic sensor and carry out all the stages from device design to fabrication and characterization. In order to achieve this, our students have access to state-of-the-art experimental devices such as the TUBE and the high-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopes

Where we teach

Our team teaches in the following departments of the Université de Lorraine (UL):

Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)

PolyTech Nancy (Polytech)

Nancy School of Mines (ENSMN)

List of teachers and main responsibilities

Stéphane Andrieu, Professor, UL FST.
-Direction of teaching units, ENSMN
-Quantum Mechanics Lecture, ENSMN
-Solide State Physcis Lecture, FST master 1 Physics
-“Grand instruments” Lecture, FST master 2 Physics

Christine Belouard, Associate Professor, UL FST.
-In charge of praticals in physics, FST master’s degree
-Strong involvement in the MEEF master’s program, which aims to train future teachers.

Hélène Fischer, Associate Professor, UL FST.
-In charge of teaching units in physics, FST bachelor
-In charge of an ARTEM workshop, ENSMN

Thomas Hauet, Associate Professor, UL FST.
-Magnetism Lecture, FST master 1 SGM-ECM
-Pedagogical coordinator, FST master 1/master 2 “Material Growth and characterization” (SGM-ECM)
-Magnetism and sensors Lecture, FST master 2 Sensors and Micro-nano-technologies
-Physics-Point Mechanics Lecture, FST bachelor
-Practicals on magnetometry, FST master 2 programs and lifelong learning

Michel Hehn, Professor, UL Polytech.
-Direction of teaching units, Polytech Nancy
-Quantum Mechanics Lecture, Polytech Nancy
-Head of the NanoScience Practice Room

Olivier Lenoble, Associate Professor, UL FST.

Stéphane Mangin, Professor, UL FST.
-Nanomagnetism and Spintronics Lecture, FST master 2 Physics

François Montaigne, Professor, UL FST.
-Magnetism Lecture, FST master 1 Physics.

Sébastien Petit-Watelot, Associate Professor, UL FST.
-Pedagogical coordinator, FST master 1 Physics
-Direction of teaching units, FST master 2 Physics
-Direction of experimental techniques in nanosciences, FST master 2 Physics

Many other members of the team, such as CNRS researchers, PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows, contribute to teaching by giving undergraduate lectures or taking care of the organization of practicals.