New paper, new PhD! Bravo Eva!

Eva Diaz successfully defended her PhD last Friday 26th of September in front of the following jury: Shunsuke Fukami (Tohoku University), Olivier Boulle (SPINTEC), Juliette Mangeney (LPENS), Dmytro Afanasiev (Radboud University), Aristide Lemaître (C2N). As the cherry on the top, her new paper on “Energy-efficient picosecond SOT switching in ferro Read more…

NSF’s IRES Program in action.

 Welcoming Seven Visitors from UCSD and NYU Through the NSF’s IRES Program. Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation’s International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program, we are delighted to welcome Ashley Thorshov, Ashley Corey, Connor Loewy, Preston Le, Nathan Davis, and Professor Eric Fullerton from the University of Read more…

Zongxia Guo and Hangtian Wang : Two Beihang University – Université de Lorraine dual degree  

On October 21st in Beijing Zongxia Guo and Hangtian Wang presented in front of an international jury their PhD work untitled “Electrical and optical manipulation of exchange bias “ and “Interfacial Engineering of the Magnetism in 2D Magnets, Topological Insulators, and Their Heterostructures “ respectively. The two Jury were impressed by the quality of the presentations Read more…