Welcome to the SPINTEAM website

We are the spintronics & nanomagnetism team.

Our team consists of more than 50 scientists and students, working in 4 main areas of magnetism:

1)  design & growth of unique magnetic structures 

2) engineering & characterization of nanoscale magnetism,

3) understanding and pushing spin transport into new frontiers,

4) control and study of magnetization dynamics from DC to ultrafast timescales.

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Ready to listen to an inspiring talk of Jeff Brock about Laser Annealing on magnetic thin films ! 🤩

#VendrediLecture 📚 (re)découvrez le numéro 78 des "Reflets de la physique" @SFP_officiel | @CNRS ⤵️

Ce numéro est consacré à l'électronique de spin ultrarapide. 👋 @pepr_spin

Pour en savoir plus ➡️ https://www.inp.cnrs.fr/fr/reflets-de-la-physique-8

Let'see what can be done in chiral magnetic systems! Eric Fullerton from CMRR is going to tell us 🤩

A PhD position available at @SPINTEC_Lab to work on a novel approach exploring spin transfer torque for magnetic field sensing in perpendicular anisotropy magnetic tunnel junctions #spintronics #magnetism @UGrenobleAlpes @cea_grenoble @CNRS @IRIG_Grenoble

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Institut Jean Lamour

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IJL – CNRS – Université de Lorraine

Campus ARTEM, 2 allée André Guinier

54011 Nancy (France)

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Last update on 01/10/2023  –  partners  –  legal notice

Built by Jon Gorchon