“Ultra-fast Spintronic » in reflets de la physique 

Jon Gorchon wrote a review paper on Ultra-fast Spintronic in # 78 of reflets de la physique which you can access online (https://www.refletsdelaphysique.fr/articles/refdp/pdf/2024/02/refdp202478p12.pdf) Abstract: Magnetism is omnipresent in our lives: compasses, electric motors, transformers, magnetic storage for the “cloud”… Understanding how the magnetization of a magnet behaves in the face Read more…

Just published in Phys. Rev. B.: Sp and d bands effect on secondary electrons generations in all solid state devices !

During his Phd V. Desbuis studied hot electrons transport. These electrons are extracted from a magnetic tunnel junction and injected into a metal base. Energy and wave-vector analysis was used to disentangle the different scattering contributions. Results are interpreted as being mainly influenced by inelastic scattering. An explicit transport model Read more…

Spin transport properties of spinel vanadate-based heterostructures published in APL.

In this paper we discuss the optimization of the deposition of stoichiometric and epitaxial Pt/FVO heterostructures by pulsed laser deposition and examines their spin-related phenomena. From angle-dependent magnetotransport measurements, both anisotropic magnetoresistance and spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) effects were observed. The findings show the SMR component as the primary contributor Read more…

Co/Ho Multilayers reversal by Single-Shot Helicity-Independent All-Optical Switching !

In the framwork of Yi Peng Phd and thanks to a close collaboration between the Spin Team and the Spintec laboratory single-shot all-optical helicity-independent switching has been established in Co/Ho multilayers extending the number of material combinations showing this fascinating property. This ability is studied in wedgeshaped Co/Ho multilayers by Read more…