Jon Gorchon

Jon is a permanent CNRS researcher at the Institut Jean Lamour, in Nancy (France).

As a PhD student at Université Paris Sud he started studying spintronics & nanomagnetism  at ultraslow timescales, such as the creep regime of magnetic domain wall motion. In 2015 he joined the University of California Berkeley as a postdoc to study ultrafast magnetic phenomena by using femtosecond laser pulses.

Now, Jon focuses in the study of spintronics at ultrafast timescales by combining optics, electronics and magnetism.

Jon is in charge of project TOAST, one of the 5 main projects of a 38 M€ French grant (PEPR SPIN) which gathers more than 500 researchers in France. Project TOAST aims at developing THz technology based on the spintronic phenomena.

Since 2021, Jon has been awarded the 2022 Edouard Branly and Suzanne Zivi prices, as well as the 2023 FRMNGE price and the 2024 CNRS Bronze medal.

Research: #ultrafast-magnetism, #ultrafast-spintronics, #THz-emission, #opto-magnetism
Equipment: #DC-THz electrical measurement setup, #magneto-optical time-resolved setup
