Project: nanoTHz

Nanomatériaux magnétiques en régime TéraHertz : Plateforme de Recherche et Développement nano-TéraHertz

This platform project, through the acquisition of equipment, aims to strengthen the expertise and excellence of the teams in the fields of magnetism and the physics of nanostructures, for the benefit of industrialists. The objective is to establish a unique, attractive and internationally visible Grand Est infrastructure and to encourage innovation. The NanoTerahertz technology platform will include: a Nano-materials development equipment (connected to the TUBE-Davm equipment in the Transfer Valorisation zone), a station dedicated to the study of the Terahertz dynamic properties of magnetic nanostructures, a state-of-the-art micro/nano-manipulator and fibre optic station under SEM. The whole platform will be open to other priority research areas in the region, such as the application of THz spectroscopy to the development of nano-materials for photovoltaics.

This platform is a research, training, development and transfer platform based on Terahertz nanotechnologies: innovative technologies for the manufacture and characterization of nanomaterials. It is based on the multidisciplinary skills of the three partners: the IJL, the IPCMS and the IS2M.

The platform is based on three ambitions

-Remaining at the forefront of the scientific and technological state of the art

-Increasing territorial industrial competitiveness, in particular of TWAs and SMEs

-To be an attractive territory at the European and global level

Three themes will be developed

1- Manipulation of the magnetization of ferromagnetic metal layers by picosecond acoustic/electric pulses

2- Spintronic generator of ps electric pulses by laser excitation fs guided via a high frequency transmission line

3- Manipulation of the memory state of a spintronic cell

Funding: 600 000 € (FEDER)

Scientific leader: Stéphane Mangin

Scientific project timeline: January, 1st 2018 – December 31st 2021


Institut Jean Lamour (Nancy, France)

IPCMS (Strasbourg, France)

IS2M (Mulhouse, France)

« NanoTeraherz » project co-funded by FEDER-FSE Lorraine
et Massif des Vosges 2014-2020, a European Union Program.
Nanomatériaux magnétiques en régime TéraHertz : plateforme de recherche et développement nano-térahertz" est cofinancée par l'Union Européenne dans le cadre du Programme Opérationnel FEDER-FSE Lorraine et Massif des Vosges 2014 - 2020.