A New Book « Superconductivity: BCS Theory ” by Ph. Mangin & R. Kahn !

Published by Daniel Lacour on

Philippe Mangin emeritus professor of physics in the SPIN team @ IJL together with R. Kahn are authors of “Superconductivity: An introduction
They just published a new book “SUPRACONDUCTIVITÉ -Tome 1 – Théorie BCS et ses développements »
We are waiting for the translation in English !
« Superconductivity: An introduction” proposes a thorough introduction for a varied audience. The reader will master London theory and the Pippard equations, and go on to understand type I and type II superconductors (their thermodynamics, magnetic properties, vortex dynamics, current transport…), Cooper pairs and the results of BCS theory. By studying coherence and flux quantization he or she will be lead to the Josephson effect which, with the SQUID, is a good example of the applications. The reader can make up for any gaps in his knowledge with the use of the appendices, follow the logic behind each model, and assimilate completely the underlying concepts. Approximately 250 illustrations help in developing a thorough understanding.

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